lol Chuck Russell...
Sounds like a guy you would meet in a bar.
i was asked last sunday, after a meeting that i attended with my wife, by a good friend if i believed that these were indeed the "last days".
what prompted his question was the public talk given by a young man that i have known since he was 7 years old and is now an elder at 30.. the talk made mention several times that we are 'definitely' living in the "last days".
i assume that the expression "last days" was prominent in the outline.. i hope that he way i answered my friend's question jump started his thinking.
lol Chuck Russell...
Sounds like a guy you would meet in a bar.
"oh i'm not going to worry about it, armageddon will be here by then!".
-including me.
"Why do you want to go to college?" - 1999
avon lake ohio.
while new mega church being built right down the street!.
@ nowwhat?
Okay. I knew there was talk about merging Olmsted Falls in with other surrounding congregations.
you start listening to music deemed "unsuitable for christians".
you pretend to knock on the doors.
you explain a jw teaching to someone and realize how ridiculous it sounds.
You Know You're Starting To Wake Up When... show up to the meeting sporting a beard and wearing a sweater.
avon lake ohio.
while new mega church being built right down the street!.
@ nowwhat?
Isn't the Olmsted Falls hall being sold too?
you start listening to music deemed "unsuitable for christians".
you pretend to knock on the doors.
you explain a jw teaching to someone and realize how ridiculous it sounds.
You Know You're Starting To Wake Up When...
…you’re listening to everything that is said at the meetings and then realizing that none of it makes sense.
2018-04-05 ( if i get the video i will post it for you.
)adjustment to may's local needs item!.
Since when do they end a letter with “best wishes”?
i remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
"Friends, this may be our last convention before armageddon."
That was back in 2002.
i know that having a y membership was a huge no, no for jws.
there hasn't been any information on this subject in decades.
i met an elder's wife a few years ago that goes to the y and also has a membership.
It's bad. It's all bad.
this is my 15th year without going to the memorial.
based on comments, it seems i did not miss anything.
I haven't missed one, unfortunately.